Vacancy Update: We are delighted to announce the appointment of Rev. Chris Cozier as the new Rector of St Mary’s, Byfleet. Chris’ licencing ceremony will take place on 30th April 2025.
Please see the Weekly Notices for details of our services and church news.
SAVE OUR STEEPLE APPEAL - please see here how you can donate to the appeal to raise the funds for the urgent repairs need to save our historic church steeple. Or go direct to our JustGiving page.
Join us in prayer for the people of Ukraine Prayer for the People of Ukraine - St Martin-in-the-Fields
If you have any concerns or questions regarding Safeguarding issues please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer at pso@stmaryschurchbyfleet.org.uk

Praying, loving and serving in the community of Byfleet.

Join us every Sunday
08:00am - Holy Communion
09.30am - 09.55am - Flexible Prayer
10.00am - Morning Worship & Holy Communion (except for the first Sunday of the month, when we have our all-age Worship For All service). Please join us for coffee after the service in the Church Hall
Follow us on SOCIAL MEDIA:
Twitter - @stbyfleet
Facebook - StMarysChurchByfleet
Instagram - StMarysChurchByfleet
To find out more about upcoming events and news in the life of the community visit our News Page or get in touch